Meet the 2022 - 2024 PAECT Officers

Click here to read a message from the President of PAECT

President: Eric Verno

Treasurer: Ronald Bennett

Vice President: Dominic Salvucci

Recording Secretary: Linda LaCoe

Corresponding Secretary: Ann Noonen

Past President: Ben Smith

PAECT Regional Directors

Tracy Andrews - North West Regional Director

Adi Wolos - Southwest Regional Director

J.G. Resig - North Central Regional Director

Kerin Steigerwalt - Northeast Regional Director

Krissy Barnes- Southeast Regional Director

Jennifer Haston-Maciejewski- Out of State Coordinating Director

Committee Members 

Kristen Landers: Membership Chair

Missy Halcott: Sponsorship Chair

Sarah Seaton and Ryann Bedoya: Newsletter Editor

Melissa Krenzer: Social Media Chair

Aspen Mock: Higher Ed. Representative

Laura Ebersole: Advocacy

Dr. Lynn Hummel: AECT Representative

Aaron Sams: Student Chapter Chair

Scott Snyder: PETE&C Representative

Ben Smith: PETE&C Representative

Keith McCray: ISTE Affiliate Representative

Tim Smith: CTL-SIG (CoSN State Chapter) Chair

Kelsi Wilcox Boyles: PAIMS Liaison

Brandt Hutzel: PDE Liaison

Patti Duncan: Parliamentarian

Patti Duncan: Marketing

Scott Snyder: Keystone Technology Innovators Chair

Dr. Jennifer Toney: Professional Development

Carol Dittoe, Nicole Hill, and Thomas McLaughlin: Webmaster

Greg Macer: Historian

Shawn Beard: Google Domain

PAECT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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