SWPAECT will host a VIRTUAL PD event on “Social and Emotional Learning”
from 7 - 8:00 P.M.on Zoom. Earn 1 hour for ACT 48. All members welcome. The link to the session will be emailed to attendees on the morning of the event.
Alyssa Mahramus from EverFi
And Jennifer Ehehalt from Creative Commons will present!

Transformative SEL For Back To School and Beyond
Speaker: Alyssa Lyons @MahramusAlyssa
Director of K12 Implementation
How do we move the needle with social-emotional learning? With the current health and social stressors, it's important to employ measurable real-world SEL skills to students addressing the whole child. Join EVERFI Director of Implementation, Alyssa Lyons, to explore several resources that measure learning gains, attitudinal, and behavioral changes. You'll have access to strategies for gathering real-time data, tips for administrator buy-in, and discover ways to equip students with SEL skills for life. To get the most out of this information on August 10th, we invite you to register for your free EVERFI Teacher Account at Reach out to Alyssa [] with any questions!
Keep Kids Entertained and Learning Anywhere, Anytime
Speaker: Jennifer Ehehalt @Jehehalt
Sr. Regional Manager, Pittsburgh | Common Sense Education
As home becomes a growing place for school, the school-to-home connection has never been more essential. Educators have been asked to radically change their practice (and quickly), while families have been challenged with a radically new student experience. helps families and educators find and use trusted resources to enrich and support distance learning through an easy-to-use distance learning hub for families and educators in preschool – grade 12. With Daily Schedules of curated learning activities for students by grade level, Learning Resource Libraries curated by subject, and supplemental activities to support life skills, SEL, physical activity, arts, STEAM, and much more, there is something for everyone! We invite you to come learn about Wide Open School, a new, free online portal of resources to support families and educators supporting remote learning in their school communities.